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This dns method provides dns challenge solving for dozens of dns providers, and is therefore one of the most likely to be the provider used if you want to use dns-01. is an ACME shell script that provides a full implementation of ACME (RFC8555). Cert Warden ignores the bulk of the code and leverages simply for its wide breadth of dns provider support.

warning does not work if the server is running on Windows. A full list of supported OSes is here. natively supports the DNS record API of dozens of DNS providers. Cert Warden leverages this power to use to create dns records on any of the supported providers. Doing this allows the use of dns-01 challenge solving on any of these providers without having to code support of each into Cert Warden.


As with all providers, domains that should use this provider must be specified. One wildcard provider can be configured with a sole domain of * which will be used if Cert Warden doesn't find a domain name on any other provider.

Path to Install

This variable is the path where the script and its dns components are unpacked. By default, is bundled with release and located at ./scripts/

DNS Hook Name

Hook name is used to specify the specific dns provider you use. To get the correct one go here, select your provider, and locate the command to issue a certificate (the section To issue a cert:). The hook name is the value after the --dns flag.

For example, the provider lists its command as ./ --issue --dns dns_cyon -d -d * so the hook name is dns_cyon.

Environment Variables

Environment variables are generally used to authenticate access to your dns provider. To know what variables you need, again go here, select your provider, but then locate the section listing export items.

Each export is an environment variable. Specify each required environment variable with data pertinent to your environment. For example, continuing with, the variables would be:

  • CY_Username=your_cyon_username
  • CY_Password=your_cyon_password
  • CY_OTP_Secret=your_otp_secret # Only required if using 2FA

The format for each environment variable must be the variable name, equals sign, and the variable value (e.g. variable_name=1234) Do NOT include the word 'export'.

Environment Variables Example